Ready, Set, Refresh!

Ready, Set, Refresh!

Does September ever feel like January to you? 

 At the beginning of the year we get a fresh start and a reset. September, like January, is the “start” of many things, school being the most obvious. At my age, I’m past the stage of keeping a tight hold on school calendars and schedules, but not beyond the memory of preparing my kids and family for the switch from summer days (some lazy, some crazy) to the cadence of the school year beat.

So even though January is known as the month for fresh starts, new habits and do-overs, September feels a lot like January. 

Maybe it’s just me, but in my growing-to-be-more-like-Jesus journey, I’ve needed a few resets and new habits. I’ve needed to return to my first, true love, King Jesus. Like the apostle Paul, I do things I don’t want to do. The things I want to do, I struggle to do.  It’s possible, dear one, to love Jesus and need a spiritual refresh.  

As a young mom, the end of summer represented a return to schedules and routines. I might not have loved it outwardly (who really wants summer to end?), but inside I needed the structure that came with the start of the new school year.  With my kids back on track, I too, was able to reset my schedule and my heart.  Awana, Youth activities, Ladies Bible Study and small groups all followed the school calendar.  They’ve always been a big part of feeding our families faith with care and consistency.

What about you? 

~ Are you ready to get back into a routine?

~ What is it you would like to start fresh today? 

~ What in your faith journey needs a reset?

I’m praying as you settle into the post summer routine, you are able to reset, refresh and reflect on your routine, making changes that best serve your faith walk. Can’t commit to a weekly bible study?  Meet with a couple friends every other week or once a month, but get in community with other women and get into the Word. Utilize your social networks to find out if someone is interested in your reset ideas.  Your boldness to ask may encourage another. 

I’m cheering you on!  I know you can do it!

Ready. Set. Refresh!

The thought started small, and I assumed, innocent enough. After all, I’m just thinking what I’m thinking. But as it bubbled up, I didn’t put it in check, rather I watched it, or let it, too quickly come to a boil. The problem for me as a high verbal person, is thoughts that heat up inside me, soon tumble out of me. 

How many times would it have been good to douse myself with the proverbial bucket of water? To put out the flame of my words before they could scorch another? 

If you don’t or haven’t struggled with controlling your words, please keep reading and willingly understand better, those of us who do! Often, it’s those closest to us that are seared by the pain of uncontrolled words shooting out like fireworks. 

I have analyzed the progression asking myself, what takes me from zero to blaster so quickly? My personal conclusion?  I’m trying to control something: a situation, an outcome, or a perception.  I’m controlling and not trusting.

As the temperatures outside have soared, I began to see the correlation to the “heat” that sometimes rises within me. If this is you too, can I first remind you that you are Seen, Known and Loved by your Creator. Say them together: Seen, Known and Loved. He sees us every moment, all the time. He sees us at our best and our worst. He knows AND He loves. Let that sink in for a moment or longer. When the heat rises I need to be refreshed!

Because of Christ we are forgiven for our yesterdays, todays and tomorrows. We are cleansed, made right, eternally loved and deeply known. I admit that I have not always tapped into this truth that Christ died to secure. I continue, like a 2 year old, saying I can do it myself. And as Dr. Phil asks, How’s that working for you? 

Friends, it takes surrender of self to live like Christ. I admit I usually think I know stuff! BUT the God who created me and sent His only Son, knows infinitely more than I. So how do I set my need to lead, know and decide, down and invite Him and His infinite wisdom into the process? It’s a daily, moment by moment putting down my pride, my “I can do it myself” bravado and surrendering, resting, in His tender, loving care. I have to allow His love, His words and His truth to refresh my soul.

Lean in, friend. Not stiffly, but like the two year old who finally gives in and slumps over, completely surrendered, head on chest.  You too, can let go.  Lay it all at His feet and be refreshed by His love for you today.

Whenever and however you can, add His truth to your daily thoughts. Let them refresh you. Read His Word, listen to the audio Bible, listen to a life giving podcast or play worship music that speaks His character and truth. The world is loud and the enemy of our souls loves to keep us from hearing God’s truth.  

Here are some verses about being “refreshed” to get you started.

Romans 15: 32- 33 The apostle Paul writing to the church in Rome, hoping to visit the church in Rome, expresses his desire to be with them: 32 so that by God’s will I may come to you with joy and be refreshed in your company. 33 May the God of peace be with you all. Amen. ( we are refreshed by other believers)

Acts 3:2 Times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus (relief, rest, refreshing)

Proverbs 3:5-8  5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes;  fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh, and refreshment to your bones. (trusting, acknowledging, turning and fearing bring deep healing and refreshment)

Controlling or Trusting?

Controlling or Trusting?

I’m a fixer, a get it done girl, an advanced planner and someone who likes to think she has some control over situations and circumstances. As I prepare to share messages about Ruth, Tamar and Miriam, I’ve been juggling thoughts as I’ve been reading, highlighting and underlining. The question each story begs to know: What’s a girl to do when she bumps into circumstances beyond her control?

What I am learning from these women helps to answer that question:

  • Ruth, widowed and without means, followed her bitter mother-in-law, Naomi, back to her homeland. Ruth gleaned for leftover grain, the only option she had. Yet she became the great grandmother of King David and is listed in the genealogy of Christ.

  • Tamar was deceived and abandoned. She deceived in return. It’s a sordid tale. And yet it’s in scripture, perhaps as a cautionary tale. Poor choices and all, Tamar is also named in the lineage of Christ.

  • Miriam bravely watches her brother Moses as he is saved by Pharaoh’s daughter, then challenges his God ordained authority, after all the miracles of the exodus. But she is the first woman to be called a prophetess in the Bible.

All of these women had something in common, besides being far from perfect, they didn’t know how their story would end. None of us do. Yet in the midst of it all, the ugly, the hard and harrowing, they encountered the God who created them, loved them and was still writing their stories.

How are you responding to circumstances that feel beyond your control? Are you trying to fix? Or are you trusting God has a plan?

Perhaps, like me, you need to be reminded that your story is still being written. That God is trustworthy even in our unknown and seemingly unfixable. The God who knew and loved Ruth, Tamar and Miriam, also knows and loves you. He’s the author of all of our stories. I’m daily learning to trust Him in all things.

PRAYER: “Lord, let me be a willing participant in all you are doing. Your ways are not my ways, they are often beyond my comprehension. Let me trust you and walk with you. Not away from you or ahead of you. Continue to teach me and draw me to yourself.”

“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Imagine we were having a conversation and I said, “It’s a new year and it still feels like December.” I’m guessing you would say something like, “I get it. It’s okay if it doesn’t feel new yet. There’s no right or wrong way to feel about a new year.”

I might say, “My tree is still up and my house is a mess.” You would say, “Be kind to yourself, friend, it’s okay if it’s not all done yet. There isn’t a deadline you have to meet.”

I might say, “I’m overwhelmed at the thought of all this year might hold. It feels so out of my control.” You might say, “Oh friend, I understand.  The unknown future can feel so uncertain.” You might also say, “I’m learning to trust the unknown to our known God.” 

It’s easier to respond to a friend with gentleness than it is to ourselves.  Include yourself in the kindness you offer to others. 

Can I remind you:

  • Be kind to yourself.
  • Speak graciously to yourself.  
  • Let the truth of Christ settle on you like a warm blanket. 
  • Know that there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ.  

May this year be the year that you lean into truth over condemnation. 

Happy Dec-anuary, from a half decorated, holiday home loving, work-in-progress friend. 

How to Change the Inner Should Soundtrack 

How to Change the Inner Should Soundtrack 

Do you ever get a song stuck in your head and you just can’t make it go away? It plays over and over and over again. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

There’s a track that plays in my mind, much like a familiar tune, on repeat. But this track isn’t a happy dance tune, it’s rather melancholy, telling me that I haven’t done enough; that I could do more; that I “should have” ( ____ fill in the blank.) It plays on repeat as I try to live up to the “not enough” lies it’s chanting into my mind.⠀⠀⠀⠀

Are you familiar with this chatter? 

I’ve discovered I’m very hard on myself. Even though perfection isn’t possible, there is the expectation in my mind that I “should be or do things perfectly.” I can verify, the “should lies” will get you down! They’ve left me feeling insignificant, like I’ve fallen short and can never measure up. The woulda, shoulda, coulda, game doesn’t allow for grace, nor does it comfort, rather it speaks lies and shame that I too quickly believe. 

Do you have a soundtrack playing that you’d like to change? Listen closely…

Grace, defined as unmerited favor, is much easier to give than to receive. And yet, God – the Author of Life – offers His grace to us daily. He wants the soundtrack in our minds to speak truth and comfort to our souls – to speak grace over guilt, not condemnation and lies. It’s time to change the soundtrack.⠀

How do we change the inner soundtrack? 

  • Recognize the lie. Lies are from the enemy of our souls. Stop singing along with the lie. 
  • Reframe it by shifting from guilt and shame to possibility. We can do all things in Christ. His strength makes changing the soundtrack possible.
  • Replace it with truth. Memorize truth. Sing truth. Talk about truth. Listen to the truth on repeat.

God’s Word is truth and our life source of wisdom and hope. Give truth more attention than the old soundtrack of lies. Soon, a new habit will form. Let the truth play over and over in your mind! Hello truth- Bye-bye lies!  

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”⠀2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:5

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:1‭-‬2 

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 ESV

The Right Shoes for the Job

The Right Shoes for the Job

I love my yellow boots. Although they are perfect for mucking through garden mud and planting pansies, they could hardly be called the “right shoe” for a day at the office or a night out when I need a more polished look. Understanding the “right shoe for the job” has many helpful implications. 

There have been many times when I failed to choose the right “shoe or tool” for a situation.  

  • What tone of voice is best? House shoes or Military boots?
  • What facial expression communicates my heart? Brightly colored sandals?
  • When is a hug needed more than words? Fuzzy slippers might do the trick.
  • When does listening have a greater impact than speaking? Sneakers are multipurpose and particularly good for listening due to their quiet nature.

I’ve been on a quest to identify the right shoes for the job. Some tasks call for shoes that are comfortable for more than 2 hours, ( wouldn’t it help if they were labeled by their hours of wear time!) but I’m also learning that what is most comfortable for me, isn’t always best for the situation.  My yellow boots may be great for stomping through the yard, but the lighter footprint required at times, means a shoe change for me. 

It’s ironic that I can learn so much when wearing my garden stomping boots and yet I can fail at the finesse needed in more delicate circumstances. 

If you also need a little help choosing your shoes, or communication tools, spend time with these encouraging words of wise counsel from God’s Word, the Bible.

The heart of the wise makes his speech judicious  and adds persuasiveness to his lips. Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” Proverbs 16:23-24

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:5

Lord, help me to seek your wisdom about the right tools and shoes for the job! May I know when to step lightly and when to quietly listen.