I love this question. This says you want to live a life focused on things that matter to God. That is an outstanding goal. When I was a young mom, I thought doing life would come more naturally, or at least easier. Go ahead, laugh with me or at me. As you’ve already guessed, it’s harder than it looks. We all have people in our life that come to mind as the ones who “have it all together”? I can visualize a few immediately. Life seems to fall in place for them. I can also tell you that on closer inspection and a few candid conversations, the ones who “look like they have it all together” don’t. Not a slam, just a reality check. Few are as put together as their appearance suggests. Nothing in life is effortless. Let that encourage you to keep God tenaciously at the center of your life, no matter how it looks to others. Here are some suggested how-to’s from my experience:
Pray. Praying is talking to God. Good communication is foundational to any relationship and needed for successful spiritual growth. Whether you are just getting acquainted with him or you have known him for years, he wants to hear what is on your heart. Praying intimidates some people because they think there is a formula they need to follow, or certain words to use. The most important words are the ones that come from deep inside you. It doesn’t matter how they come out. Maybe you’ve heard people start their prayers with: “Dear Lord”, “O God” or “Heavenly Father”. Whether you prefer to say any of these does not matter so much as just starting the conversation. This can take place inside your head. It does not have to be audible, but saying things out loud helps keep me from distraction. I encourage you to pray out loud when you can. Even write out what is on your heart: what burdens or concerns you. These all count as prayers—conversations with God, telling him what you think about, worry about, want to do differently, and most important how you want to know him better.
Read the Bible. One of the best ways to know God is to spend time in his Word. This is easier now than ever before. Our schedules might be crazier, but the resources available to us are vast. Bible apps exist that will read scripture to you when you can’t. We are really without excuse for knowing more about God. This is not a guilt trip, but a fact. We have incredible technology available: we can google anything, we can play music in any style we choose, books read aloud by the author, YouTube videos, podcasts, social media and websites all share information. The greatest challenge is in choosing knowledge over entertainment. There are times I’d much rather binge watch/listen to a favorite author for entertainment, not my own spiritual enrichment. Part of the challenge is in what I choose to let in. My choices are endless, so how do I choose the best? The answer to that will differ for each of us, but it’s a good question to ponder.
Listen. How does one listen to the God of the universe? In my very animated brain, I quickly picture a cartoon of a loud booming voice rolling out of the thunderous clouds and me trying to stay upright in the wake of that powerful voice. It is mighty for sure, and God is the Almighty. He can blast truth to us, but does he? More likely his is a still, small voice that requires me to get still and quiet to hear. Getting quiet in today’s techno culture isn’t always easy. All things online and more social media videos than one can watch in a lifetime, not to mention spouses, children, co-workers, bosses, customers, teachers all calling for our listening ears. All relationships require us to be active listeners. This means I’m not thinking of what to say next as the other’s words spill out, but I am focused on their words alone. Ouch. Just writing out that defining phrase causes me guilt. I can so easily get focused on what I think I should say next that I stop listening. It is a skill that needs constant practice to develop. Our relationship with God isn’t just us asking him for wisdom, knowledge and peace but also listening for truth, conviction and encouragement. Listen. He speaks through his Word, the Bible, he speaks to us when we take the time to stay quiet before him. It’s hard to listen when we are impatient or in a hurry. Listening is a worthwhile practice. One I continually need to improve.
Build One Another Up. If I have someone who has agreed to check in on me, I’m more likely to stick to a goal. Accountability isn’t about inducing guilt, but motivating me to work on my goals and growth markers. Whether I’m getting my physical self in better shape or tuning up my mental/spiritual growth, having someone alongside to encourage me is a key element to success.
Keeping God in the center of your life gives significant benefits for the effort. When we take the time to pray, read the Bible, listen, and live with accountability, God’s word promises us tangible things like peace, hope, self-control, love, patience, and kindness. It is a joyous journey to get acquainted with the God who created you. He loves you so much. He knows you, sees you and longs to converse with you. May this be the year you lean into him in conversational prayer, meet him in his word, get quiet and listen for his still small voice, while you encourage others to do the same. We grow best when we build one another up.