christian living, faith walk, God first, impatience, life experience, perseverance, Prayer, resilience, trust, Uncategorized
I’m a fixer, a get it done girl, an advanced planner and someone who likes to think she has some control over situations and circumstances. As I prepare to share messages about Ruth, Tamar and Miriam, I’ve been juggling thoughts as I’ve been reading, highlighting and underlining. The question each story begs to know: What’s a girl to do when she bumps into circumstances beyond her control?
What I am learning from these women helps to answer that question:
Ruth, widowed and without means, followed her bitter mother-in-law, Naomi, back to her homeland. Ruth gleaned for leftover grain, the only option she had. Yet she became the great grandmother of King David and is listed in the genealogy of Christ.
Tamar was deceived and abandoned. She deceived in return. It’s a sordid tale. And yet it’s in scripture, perhaps as a cautionary tale. Poor choices and all, Tamar is also named in the lineage of Christ.
Miriam bravely watches her brother Moses as he is saved by Pharaoh’s daughter, then challenges his God ordained authority, after all the miracles of the exodus. But she is the first woman to be called a prophetess in the Bible.
All of these women had something in common, besides being far from perfect, they didn’t know how their story would end. None of us do. Yet in the midst of it all, the ugly, the hard and harrowing, they encountered the God who created them, loved them and was still writing their stories.
How are you responding to circumstances that feel beyond your control? Are you trying to fix? Or are you trusting God has a plan?
Perhaps, like me, you need to be reminded that your story is still being written. That God is trustworthy even in our unknown and seemingly unfixable. The God who knew and loved Ruth, Tamar and Miriam, also knows and loves you. He’s the author of all of our stories. I’m daily learning to trust Him in all things.
PRAYER: “Lord, let me be a willing participant in all you are doing. Your ways are not my ways, they are often beyond my comprehension. Let me trust you and walk with you. Not away from you or ahead of you. Continue to teach me and draw me to yourself.”
“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9 ESV
Advent, christian living, Christmas, faith walk, grace, humility, Prayer, resilience, restoration
Even with all the hustle and bustle, my heart longs to sit in the glow of the fire light, and think about the journey Mary took to bring the Light into this dark world.
In a situation most would crumble and cry, scripture tells us that Mary sang. She didn’t sing mournfully but triumphantly. Rejoicing and magnifying the Lord for what He was doing in and through her. She was a willing participant in God’s plan. Let me be like Mary!
Triumphantly, into this darkness His Light came. Revealing truth, pruning and making me grow. His light is essential for life. His Light changed and continues to change everything!
I, too, want to sing about the merciful, glorious Light of the World! Because of His Light I am forever changed – from the inside out! Lord, make me like Mary, singing triumphantly in the dark and uncertain days. May my hope always be in you alone. May your Light shine through me into dark places so that others will see Your great and glorious light.
The Magnificat
And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts;
he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate;
he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy,
as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.” Luke 1:46-55
Advent, christian living, Christmas, faith walk, impatience, life experience, perseverance, Prayer
I don’t have excellent survival skills. Don’t misunderstand, I have my emergency food, water, flashlights, and batteries ready, but true compass use, as in my only option of finding-my-way from point A to point B, is an unfamiliar skill. My GPS and I are good friends. Which is why I’m captivated by the Bethlehem star and the wise men who followed it. I love star gazing, but using the stars in the sky as a compass? I know it can be done, but the way of navigating by the stars fascinates me. One must intently study the heavens to know the constellations and where they live in the sky in which season.
I see a parallel between the imagery of the star the wise men providentially followed and Christ being our compass today, the One who illuminates through His Spirit and His word of truth. Like the wise men of old who studied the stars, I’m learning. The more I know of Him, the better I’m able to trust His light of truth to give direction to my angsty heart. His compass brings peace to my soul. Christ who came, Christ, the bright and morning star. His light exposes darkness.
Darkness says, “You can do this on your own.” Light says, “I’ve already done it for you.”
“The morning star appears just before dawn when the night is coldest and darkest. When the world is at its bleakest point. Christ will burst on the scene, exposing evil with his light of truth and bring his promised reward.” Living Word AG, Ohio.
I read this and laughed. Not because it’s funny, but it’s so like me to try to work something out on my own. Then, when my next move is still unclear, all appears bleak. It is then I ask the One who placed the stars in the sky to be my compass, my survival guide, and the light to my path, giving direction and peace to my heart and mind.
Getting “directions” isn’t just about where I’m going, but also how I go. I can physically move, but not always in peace. I believe with all my heart, Jesus, our Bright and Morning star, also wants us to experience the peace that passes understanding. When all seems chaotic and hard, even bleak, my heart can move forward in peace because of His direction.
“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you”
Isaiah 26:3.
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and His glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Isaiah 60:1-3
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world”
John 16:33.
Ask: Listen for answers to the who, what, when, where, why and how questions as you read and write them down.
Ask: List the names of Jesus Christ and their significance referenced in the song.
christian living, faith walk, God first, perseverance, Prayer, spirituality, Uncategorized
It was stunning. Right out of a magazine-redone with impeccable attention to detail. Backing up to a green space and public park, the mid-century modern home had the right balance of warm wood and airy simplicity. It was a recent trip to visit our Pacific Northwest kids, that my husband, Darrell and I went to a neighborhood open house. It’s always fun to dream what it might be like to live near any of our kids since none of the live within driving distance. Dreams are fool proof. They don’t cost a dime and are full of grand adventures, even if they never happen. This summer however, we are enjoying a bit of the dream by temporarily being “near” our kids.
We worked on many details, to make the “be near summer” happen. As new grandparents, we wanted the chance to be just across town Papa and Gaga; to see our granddaughter and kids regularly–as if we really lived near. It’s been a gift, but not something that happened on a whim. “Being near” meant being out of our own community for a while. To do that, we had to think through far more details than we would’ve for a typical vacation. I made lists for us, and I checked them off. I researched places for a longer stay, flights for my husbands work schedule and started making all the arrangements -months ago. Planning. Investigating. Deciding. Doing.
Some have teased me I missed my calling as a Travel Agent. I enjoy the challenge of pulling lots of details together. Ironically, I don’t use that same energy on everything I do, even other things I value. I wonder if you can you relate? Is there something you value in words but struggle to show that value with actions? What would it take to apply some “summer plan energy” to other important items on your list?
I observed several in my family complete their master’s level of education. I learned one doesn’t simply wake up saying, “I want my Master’s Degree this week” and place an Amazon order. There is no Prime delivery for education. No short cuts and lots of hard work, with determination, to reach the goal.
So why do I approach my personal time with God (an activity I say that I value) as if it was something I could check off my list via rush order? I’ll repeat this to myself: there is no Amazon delivery that gives me a shortcut to time with Jesus. In order to “check the box” of time with my Savior, I need to plan for it like I do a family adventure. If I want to “be near” to God, like I wanted to “be near” my kids, I have to make space, prepare and follow through.
What does making space and preparing look like?
- Cozy place to sit? Check.
- Favorite beverage? Check.
- Supplies? Bible, pen, headphones, paper, instrumental music selection. Check.
- Time blocked off on my calendar? Check.
- Willing heart and determination to stick to the plan? Check.
I’m looking at this list and I’m thinking how many other things I do this for but NOT always my time with Jesus. It frustrates me to acknowledge this. Even when I write it into a calendar slot, if I’m not paying careful attention, other things fill the space meant for relationship building with the God of the universe.The enemy loves to keep us away from this relationship building time. I can’t comprehend missing a flight for a family adventure or departing a day later than planned. I wouldn’t arbitrarily miss a coffee date with a friend. So why, oh why don’t I guard my time with God Almighty, who wants to have a relationship with me? If this is you too, take heart.
I’ve been working on this. Something I have tried recently–and by gosh it is helping. Don’t laugh, even though my husband does on occasion. I put bulky headphones on when I want to tune out the world and tune into Jesus. I do. Why bulky headphones? Why not just earbuds? Good question–glad you asked!
- For one: they take more effort. That goes back to my intentionality.
- Two: they remind anyone near me I am unavailable for random conversation. (this may or may not work with littles, roommates or in coffee shops, but it’s worth a test drive. Susanna Wesley, mother to famed brothers John and Charles Wesley, literally sat with her white apron thrown up over her head and face to show to her brood that she was not available while under the apron. She and Jesus were having a very important meeting–a VIM!)
- Three–classical or instrumental music is something I can play as background that helps me tune other things out. Your music choice might be different or not at all.
- Four – nothing on my list is “required”. You have a hotline to Jesus anytime, you need him, you just talk to him anywhere, anytime. This list is for that intentional relationship building time. To get the most out of it, we put thought into it ahead of time.
Okay–here we go! ACTION PLAN time. Let’s make our VIM (very important meeting) happen!
Not only am I going to schedule my VIM with J.E.S.U.S. but I am also going to guard it and pray about guarding it. I’m going to skip lesser things to make it happen. I’m going to communicate to those in my household that this time is uninterrupted. Even blocking it off on my physical and digital calendar. Note–we aren’t talking hours here. Being consistent with 15 minute chunks surprises even me, how much easier it is to keep making it happen.
An author/coach I respect insists that some of her best ideas make it onto paper or into her laptop, in dedicated 15 minute time slots. Don’t underestimate a well-planned, 15 minutes. Put it on the calendar, pick the best of your cozy spaces–this might be your favorite chair, the patio, your car or even the closet. Then don your headphones, get paper, pen, Bible, favorite beverage and go!
- First, pray that your time would honor God and grow your faith, which will also grow your desire to keep meeting him.
- Read a passage one or two times through. Don’t know where to start? Try the Gospel of John in the New Testament. It tells about Jesus life.
- Ask a few questions about who, what, when, where, how, and why. If you can’t answer them from within that passage, it’s okay!
- Write the answers you can and anything else that stands out.
- End your time with another prayer, thanking God for His faithfulness to meet you where you are.
- Check, check and check. Now do it again tomorrow. 15 minutes. Let’s do this!
Go “be near” God, get cozy. Talk to him and read his Word back to him. Allow him to show you He is near to you, always.
The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. Psalm 145:18 ESV
Hi! I’m Carol Feil-pronounced “File.”
I’m a yellow-boot-wearing gardener who relishes wordsmithery and photography and has a passion for the “mom bent” set in every woman’s heart. My fondest identifications are as a daughter, daughter-in-law, mom to three, mother-in-law to two, and grandma to one.
I loved being my mother’s daughter and I see her imprint on my life. She looked to God’s Word for her authority, hospitality for her practice, whit and whimsey for her style, and milk and sugar for her tea. Her influence flows into all my choices and actions.
Some days we need someone to understand, someone like a mom.
My hope is for you to find that understanding here, both serious and light-hearted, and to accept with certainty that you are
Seen, Known and Loved
by God who created you.
Yes, you are seen, known and loved- everyday, all day!
God meets you where you are, feels your pain and loves you more than you can imagine.
Stick around as we search out wisdom and truth together.
Be encouraged, and in turn, encourage others.