faith walk, God first, perseverance, spirituality
I sat at my new desk and the first thing he said to me was, “Take out a pen and paper. I want to see that you are taking notes. This is how I want you to do the following tasks.” Intimidating? You bet. Fear of forgetting? Absolutely. I didn’t want to do it wrong in front of him or the others in the office. I wanted to impress my new boss by remembering the things I needed to do.
So how does one commit to memory the important things in life? I used to have all my friends’ and family’s phone numbers memorized. Probably because I had to write them down. Birthdays and Anniversaries. The digital age has changed that practice of remembering. Copy and paste doesn’t do much to help my memory. I spent many childhood Sunday mornings looking up verses in the Bible, as my teacher called them out. I had to have the books of the Old and New testaments memorized to accomplish the task. If I was quick, sometimes I got a prize–I could flip pages fast for chocolate! Result? Books of the Bible memorized.
“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work and meditate on your mighty deeds.” Psalm 77:11-12 ESV What a verse. I never want to forget all He has done for me.
So, how do we remember something, anything? Repetition. My almost 3-year-old granddaughter knows this very well. She learns everything right now through repetition. Oh, to learn again like a toddler. I must repeat it to remember. Say it again and again. Sing it again and again. Write it again and again. Tell someone again and again. I remember by repeating.
Are you training someone new at work? You get this. You might be the one getting trained. You get it. Moms with kids. You get this, too. Teaching and training feels never ending. Coaching someone toward a goal? They need repetition. New years headlines are full of articles telling us how to start a new habit. You guessed it – repetition.
In the Old Testament, God told the Israelites how to remember. He was the ultimate coach, teacher, mentor and parent. Deuteronomy 6:6-9,12 says, “These words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates… then take care lest you forget the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.”
These are actions of repetition – the same thing written or told many ways, talked about in many places often and over again. Just like God was telling the Israelites to repeat what He had done – sparing their lives in Egypt and parting the waters of the sea, his challenge was to remember and repeat his mights deeds.
Lord, keep me humble, so I never stop telling of your wonders and ways. May I never grow out of remembering and repeating all you are and everything you have done.
I want to remember, ponder and meditate on the things of the Lord. I’ll be writing this Psalm out and reciting it for a while. Repeat to remember.
christian living, faith walk, perseverance, resilience
You’ve heard the phrases: I hope I get that pay raise. I hope my kids do well in school. I hope the neighbor’s stolen car is found. I hope my team wins. I hope the surgery goes well. I hope the drive through is quick today. The word hope get applied to many situations.
How do you use hope? I have hoped for restored relationships and renewed health. But what does it mean to hope? Where does it come from? Is it anything like a wish? Are hope and wish interchangeable?
Hope /hōp/ noun 1. a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
Wish /wiSH/verb 1. feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable; want something that cannot or probably will not happen.
As kids, we wished on stars, hoped for school delays and threw pennies in a fountain. We weren’t devastated when the “wish” didn’t come true, we moved onto the next wish. As grown-ups, we want our wishing and hoping backed by guarantees, better odds, an even playing field, and yet, experience tells us, outcomes aren’t guaranteed. There isn’t an a+b=c equation for life. So how do we find genuine hope?
As I’ve walked with God, growing in my faith and understanding of His character, mentions of hope in the Bible jump out at me. I pay close attention and read them again. How does faith change my understanding of hope?
“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5:1-5.
Faith gives peace, suffering produces endurance and it allows character building, which causes us to rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not a formula, but not a wish either. Faith and hope are active, not passive, and they begin with God, not me.
“Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” Psalm 42:11
The psalmist reminds himself of God’s salvation. When I’m lacking hope, what do I remind myself of?
“You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word.” Psalm 119:114
God is a trustworthy refuge and shield. His word gives hope. I can trust/hope in His word.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
Next time I’m tempted to wish something could be different, I’ll recall these verses and balance my thought with the God of hope. He is hope. When I’m hoping, it’s in Him, for His honor and glory alone. Hard things aren’t discounted , simplified or overlooked rather, they are looked at through the lens of hope, not my own wishing. Hope is me depending on God. Trusting in His character. His word.
Let’s enter 2022 with renewed hope and faith in God.
Action step: Look in your Bible concordance for the word HOPE and list verses you find. Write them out. Ask God (prayer) to build in you a confidence in Him, in Hope.
faith walk, parenting, perseverance, Prayer, resilience
Giggles and grins to melt your heart, as she spins on the merry-go-round “one more time”. Then over to the bars to show her muscular arms and just once on the swing. Please Gaga?
Amazed at the energy level it takes to keep track of a little one. Grand parenting is a blast and I’m so thankful for it, but wow oh wow–I have renewed giant respect for all the parents out there doing the hard work on the daily. 24/7/365. I’m sure some days feel like they drag on for weeks.
I am praying for you in this season.
Whether you are juggling work schedules, flying solo, co-parenting, dealing with an ex, managing health concerns, fostering a child or children, stepping in to help a friend or family member with parenting, the daily routine must feel endless. I know you love the parenting role, but some days, “being” a parent is just flat out exhausting. Please know, in my book, you all are Super Heroes. Ripped capes, shredded super-suits, the whole messy thing. I applaud you and want to publicly sing your praises. You are the unsung heroes of our society. You are raising the next generation of artists, writers, teachers, biologist, musicians, doctors and engineers. You meet unspoken needs, clothe, bathe, feed, cry with and over your dear littles. (whatever their age, they fall into this category if you are a mom) You set the tone for moods in your home by your responses. You speak love by your actions. You teach by example.
I am praying for you in this season.
You wear so many hats: juggler, educator, EMT, taxi driver, tantrum calmer, booboo kisser, skill set developer, mentor, dream builder, financial advisor, chaperone, host with the most, make-it-happen project helper, number one fan and cheerleader. The list goes on. With all the hats comes the joy of seeing your child grow in their choices, achievements and, must I say, failures. The learning curve on life is sharp. Unexpected curves abound and you just keep plugging away, showing up, cheering them on, loving, directing and doing what needs to be done.
I am praying for you in this season.
May you know your value and worth as a parent.
May you feel sustained on your toughest days.
May you have the courage to reach out when you need help, even a nap.
May you speak life over your children and yourself.
May you guard your heart and mind from lies that bombard you.
May you find your source of strength when the days weaken you to the core.
May your heart find a home where you feel safe and comforted.
May you know the moments are long, but the years are short.
May you keep a long haul, end game perspective where your child is concerned.
May you yourself be the biggest cheerleader and encourager your child knows.
May you offer hospitality to your kids’ friends. An open home is a like a warm hug.
May you listen and observe often. Kids speak without words.
May you know how much you matter to your kids.
May you know you encourage other parents when you share from the heart.
May you know kids seek their parent’s approval always.
May you know you are not alone on this journey.
May you know you can reach out for help, resources, encouragement and prayer.
May the God who created you, your child, your family, be your source of strength, the anchor for your soul, and the confidence you need to press on.
I am praying for you in this season.
Thank you for doing the hero dance daily–regardless of the condition of your cape or super suit!
christian living, faith walk, God first, perseverance, Prayer, spirituality, Uncategorized
It was stunning. Right out of a magazine-redone with impeccable attention to detail. Backing up to a green space and public park, the mid-century modern home had the right balance of warm wood and airy simplicity. It was a recent trip to visit our Pacific Northwest kids, that my husband, Darrell and I went to a neighborhood open house. It’s always fun to dream what it might be like to live near any of our kids since none of the live within driving distance. Dreams are fool proof. They don’t cost a dime and are full of grand adventures, even if they never happen. This summer however, we are enjoying a bit of the dream by temporarily being “near” our kids.
We worked on many details, to make the “be near summer” happen. As new grandparents, we wanted the chance to be just across town Papa and Gaga; to see our granddaughter and kids regularly–as if we really lived near. It’s been a gift, but not something that happened on a whim. “Being near” meant being out of our own community for a while. To do that, we had to think through far more details than we would’ve for a typical vacation. I made lists for us, and I checked them off. I researched places for a longer stay, flights for my husbands work schedule and started making all the arrangements -months ago. Planning. Investigating. Deciding. Doing.
Some have teased me I missed my calling as a Travel Agent. I enjoy the challenge of pulling lots of details together. Ironically, I don’t use that same energy on everything I do, even other things I value. I wonder if you can you relate? Is there something you value in words but struggle to show that value with actions? What would it take to apply some “summer plan energy” to other important items on your list?
I observed several in my family complete their master’s level of education. I learned one doesn’t simply wake up saying, “I want my Master’s Degree this week” and place an Amazon order. There is no Prime delivery for education. No short cuts and lots of hard work, with determination, to reach the goal.
So why do I approach my personal time with God (an activity I say that I value) as if it was something I could check off my list via rush order? I’ll repeat this to myself: there is no Amazon delivery that gives me a shortcut to time with Jesus. In order to “check the box” of time with my Savior, I need to plan for it like I do a family adventure. If I want to “be near” to God, like I wanted to “be near” my kids, I have to make space, prepare and follow through.
What does making space and preparing look like?
- Cozy place to sit? Check.
- Favorite beverage? Check.
- Supplies? Bible, pen, headphones, paper, instrumental music selection. Check.
- Time blocked off on my calendar? Check.
- Willing heart and determination to stick to the plan? Check.
I’m looking at this list and I’m thinking how many other things I do this for but NOT always my time with Jesus. It frustrates me to acknowledge this. Even when I write it into a calendar slot, if I’m not paying careful attention, other things fill the space meant for relationship building with the God of the universe.The enemy loves to keep us away from this relationship building time. I can’t comprehend missing a flight for a family adventure or departing a day later than planned. I wouldn’t arbitrarily miss a coffee date with a friend. So why, oh why don’t I guard my time with God Almighty, who wants to have a relationship with me? If this is you too, take heart.
I’ve been working on this. Something I have tried recently–and by gosh it is helping. Don’t laugh, even though my husband does on occasion. I put bulky headphones on when I want to tune out the world and tune into Jesus. I do. Why bulky headphones? Why not just earbuds? Good question–glad you asked!
- For one: they take more effort. That goes back to my intentionality.
- Two: they remind anyone near me I am unavailable for random conversation. (this may or may not work with littles, roommates or in coffee shops, but it’s worth a test drive. Susanna Wesley, mother to famed brothers John and Charles Wesley, literally sat with her white apron thrown up over her head and face to show to her brood that she was not available while under the apron. She and Jesus were having a very important meeting–a VIM!)
- Three–classical or instrumental music is something I can play as background that helps me tune other things out. Your music choice might be different or not at all.
- Four – nothing on my list is “required”. You have a hotline to Jesus anytime, you need him, you just talk to him anywhere, anytime. This list is for that intentional relationship building time. To get the most out of it, we put thought into it ahead of time.
Okay–here we go! ACTION PLAN time. Let’s make our VIM (very important meeting) happen!
Not only am I going to schedule my VIM with J.E.S.U.S. but I am also going to guard it and pray about guarding it. I’m going to skip lesser things to make it happen. I’m going to communicate to those in my household that this time is uninterrupted. Even blocking it off on my physical and digital calendar. Note–we aren’t talking hours here. Being consistent with 15 minute chunks surprises even me, how much easier it is to keep making it happen.
An author/coach I respect insists that some of her best ideas make it onto paper or into her laptop, in dedicated 15 minute time slots. Don’t underestimate a well-planned, 15 minutes. Put it on the calendar, pick the best of your cozy spaces–this might be your favorite chair, the patio, your car or even the closet. Then don your headphones, get paper, pen, Bible, favorite beverage and go!
- First, pray that your time would honor God and grow your faith, which will also grow your desire to keep meeting him.
- Read a passage one or two times through. Don’t know where to start? Try the Gospel of John in the New Testament. It tells about Jesus life.
- Ask a few questions about who, what, when, where, how, and why. If you can’t answer them from within that passage, it’s okay!
- Write the answers you can and anything else that stands out.
- End your time with another prayer, thanking God for His faithfulness to meet you where you are.
- Check, check and check. Now do it again tomorrow. 15 minutes. Let’s do this!
Go “be near” God, get cozy. Talk to him and read his Word back to him. Allow him to show you He is near to you, always.
The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. Psalm 145:18 ESV
faith walk, forgotten, God first, life experience, perseverance, Prayer, spirituality
I love a good story. Don’t you? Adventure, mystery, fantasy, historic fiction, memoir – all gripping styles of storytelling. Some of my favorites drop you into the middle of the action, and the writer goes back to fill in distinct details, paint landscapes with words and describe characters in colorful text.
However, our own stories happen in real time, with details we’d like to leave out. We don’t get to choose the action or the characters. I may love part of my story, but on those harder than hard days, I want to switch characters and be written into a more pleasant tale…the one with the fairytale ending.
As I learn from reading one of my favorite books, which recounts tales of heroism, crisis, and redemption, my story isn’t over until the last punctuation of the last sentence, of the last chapter is penned. I am not a one chapter book and neither are you. There is a new one coming. You may not get to choose the characters or circumstances, in fact, you might loathe that chapter and love the next, but another chapter will be written.
Life is unpredictable, but you and I always get to choose how we respond to scenarios life writes us into. If you are happy in your current chapter – I’m celebrating with you. If you are struggling with the plot line you wish was over, hang in there.You are not alone. Know that you are seen, known and loved. Jesus understands all the struggles. He can relate because he lived them. His love is real and so is the rejoicing ahead when the chapter you love is penned.
The saying says, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, I say, “Don’t judge a life by one chapter.” Redemption can be your next chapter. Hope is real. The book that is you, can encourage others to press on, look up, rest, trust, persevere and cling to hope.
I love a good story and I can’t wait to see how your next chapters are written.
christian living, forgotten, life experience, perseverance, relationships, resilience
A family trip, station wagon loaded. Two adults, five kids, a lightning-fast refuel and potty stop. Back in the car there was unexpected elbow room. With 5 kids, elbow room is prime real estate! In the typical mayhem of doors opening, closing, all the skooching and shifting, bodies settling into travel position, one must ask, who is supposed to count heads? It might have been the prequel to the Home Alone movies. This story ended well enough- we went back for my older sister and she gladly took up that extra real estate in the back seat.
Often, we find ourselves left at the gas station wondering how God could be so unaware of our predicament. Forgotten. Unremembered. Set aside. Out of sight, out of mind. Circumstances beyond what we can bear, much less control. The questions fly.
God, why did you… (fill in the blank), Why God, didn’t you (insert thought here) When will you???? How?? What on earth were you thinking God, really? All the questions and all the feels. It takes time for understanding to settle on my heart and in my mind. In some situation’s there is no understanding, only acceptance. Accepting that we might never understand.
Hard stories, survival, observing others overcome difficulty gives one hope. Because they endured, we can too. But none of us sign up to be the poster child for getting left at the gas station, being single, raising a special needs child, having no children to raise, death of a loved one, outliving cancer, divorce, abuse and the list goes on. Life is rarely what we expect, but scripture reveals that God does not forget us, He would not be God if he did. His Holy Word tells us he cannot forget his creation.
Luke 12:6-7 “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.”
The only hairs I ever counted were grey, and I couldn’t keep up. God counts them all: the grey, the bleached and those that fell out due to stress. He knows and he sees.
Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”
Do I believe this?
Phil 4:19 “My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
Every need. It is easy to confuse needs and wants. I struggle with this one often. God is always teaching me that His ways are higher than mine. He sees and He loves.
Romans 8:38-39 “For I am sure that neither death not life nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Nothing means No thing. No one. Zip, Nada.
Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be Strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”
He cannot.
Deuteronomy 31:8 “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
You might not see him friend, but he is there. He cannot be otherwise. He sees you – always.
Proverbs 3:5-7 are my life verses. Life-not my verses for a season. These are verses I will cling to until my last breath here on earth. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.”
Evil is not just out there — often it is in my heart, my thoughts. Thinking too highly of myself. Thinking that God’s “plan” for me should be easier than it is or has been. I do not know the mind of God, but He knows the mind of man and He calls us to trust him, acknowledge him, fear him–reverently and turn from evil. He knows us better than we know ourselves.
I do not presume to know the depth of every hardship faced in this life, but I can say with certainty that the God who designed and created us in his likeness, knows everything about us–and loves us still. Standing outside the gas station waiting for your family to return might feel like an eternity, but God knows, He sees, and He loves you and me. He promises to never leave us.
That includes gas stations.
John 3:16-17 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him.”