Prickly on Purpose

Prickly on Purpose

I recently visited a friend in Prescott, Arizona. On our walk around the neighborhood, I stopped to capture an image of the blossoming beauties by the roadside. This high desert area is not just home to cactus, but oaks, cottonwoods, pines and junipers. Rugged granite outcroppings also dot the landscape.

The cactus, like the boulders, stand in contrast to the green of the trees around them. They are also prickly, spiny and tough.  The flower, soft by contrast, reminds me the cactus has a purpose.  It is food for many critters of the high desert.  Fruit grows where the flower blooms, right between the thorns.

I admit, I haven’t always appreciated cacti.  I see their thorns and characterize them as worthy of a wide berth. But I’m reminded that their exterior purposefully protects the fruit for the animals equipped to eat it, in spite of the spiny thorns.

So what do you think of when you see a cactus? Do you see danger or resilience? Do you see a meal or a menace?  Are they prickly or purposeful?

It was good for me to reconsider and contemplate this spiky, desert dweller.  What I know about myself is, I am too often, too quick to judge and steer clear. I’ve even met a few prickly people, and have been one more than I like to admit. Ouch!

I’m thankful I was reminded to slow down, reconsider and contemplate God’s purposes for his creation, prickly or not. 

We’ve all been created on purpose and with purpose. 

This is my prayer: Lord, I want to live with and see your purpose in all of your creation – whether the prickly pear cactus, or people that seem prickly on the outside. Help me to contemplate and consider all you have made, and respond kindly. Let me live my purpose for You with passion and sincerity.

“For through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth.
He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see—
such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.
Everything was created through him and for him.”  Colossians 1:16 ESV

Comparison Got You Down?

Comparison Got You Down?

But God, she’s prettier, more talented, a better mom, wife, sister, friend …

I used to think only the full blooming flowers earned the label of “beautiful”.  What about you? When I look at a fully blossomed flower, I can clearly see it’s at a different stage of growth than the two tightly curled and not-yet-opened flowers  near it. And yet, I compared. I labeled one beautiful and the others, well, not.

Why do I think and believe such things? This is the six million dollar question!

As I’ve watched my yard grow through seasons and stages, I’ve gained a new appreciation for the formation of and the revealing of the “full bloom.” Like I did with flowers, I have compared myself to other women, determining my own worth by how I felt in contrast to another. It sounds crazy as I write it, but it’s so easy to fall into this comparison trap. Perhaps the crazier thing is, I wasn’t even comparing myself to their same season of life. 

Like Eve in the first garden, how easy it was to listen to the serpents lies.  He loves to get us distracted and focused on the wrong thing. Trying to measure up, losing sight of WHOSE we are. We are beautiful daughters of the Most High King, Our ABBA father is the CREATOR of all things – and He called all His creation good. We are good & we are beautiful.

I don’t know where you are on the mental rollercoaster of comparison, but I hope you’ll stop and consider if there are some mind habits that could use a perspective shift. Let’s get off the white knuckle ride of comparison. I want you to celebrate where the Lord’s brought you as He works in and through you. Comparison has only ever made me sick and it’s a bigtime confidence drain. Instead, embrace the beautiful stage of growth you are currently living, knowing God uses all of it for His honor and our good.  Do you believe that, friend? I pray that you do.

Make this your prayer: Jesus, I want to embrace every aspect of growth you have for me.  You, God, designed and created all things. You created me! Help me, when I fight hard against the season I am in. Forgive me for thinking I “know” better than you. Remind me that I can trust the growth you are bringing to my life, even if I don’t understand it.  Lord, let me trust you and leave comparison behind.