I love a good story. Don’t you? Adventure, mystery, fantasy, historic fiction, memoir – all gripping styles of storytelling. Some of my favorites drop you into the middle of the action, and the writer goes back to fill in distinct details, paint landscapes with words and describe characters in colorful text.
However, our own stories happen in real time, with details we’d like to leave out. We don’t get to choose the action or the characters. I may love part of my story, but on those harder than hard days, I want to switch characters and be written into a more pleasant tale…the one with the fairytale ending.
As I learn from reading one of my favorite books, which recounts tales of heroism, crisis, and redemption, my story isn’t over until the last punctuation of the last sentence, of the last chapter is penned. I am not a one chapter book and neither are you. There is a new one coming. You may not get to choose the characters or circumstances, in fact, you might loathe that chapter and love the next, but another chapter will be written.
Life is unpredictable, but you and I always get to choose how we respond to scenarios life writes us into. If you are happy in your current chapter – I’m celebrating with you. If you are struggling with the plot line you wish was over, hang in there.You are not alone. Know that you are seen, known and loved. Jesus understands all the struggles. He can relate because he lived them. His love is real and so is the rejoicing ahead when the chapter you love is penned.
The saying says, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, I say, “Don’t judge a life by one chapter.” Redemption can be your next chapter. Hope is real. The book that is you, can encourage others to press on, look up, rest, trust, persevere and cling to hope.
I love a good story and I can’t wait to see how your next chapters are written.