Have you ever felt like someone could read your mind? Like they were in your head? I’m at a loss for words again today. I can’t pinpoint the whys of it, but a favorite author’s words make me think she had visited my thoughts. Michele Cushatt, in her book I AM, says, “Today I sit… desiring to write words of both challenge and inspiration. And yet I feel near paralyzed at the thought. My Bible sits open, its nearness reminding me of its significance…. Who am I to unpack the mysteries of God and speak with authority on His love and grace?” 

She talks about qualifications and ordinary people, like herself, like Jesus’s disciples, like me. As Michele pointed out, a lack of words comes from a sense that I am not “qualified enough” to share Truth from God’s Word, the Bible. In fact, she points out that even Jesus’ disciples, the 12 closest to him, were not skilled in the ways we might think necessary to be emissaries of the Gospel of Truth. They weren’t scholars or teachers, but ordinary individuals: fishermen, laborers, tent makers. Everyday, hard-working men. 

So why is day 20 titled I AM Clothed? What does clothing have to do with words or qualifications, or walking with Jesus? I needed to hear her answer. The same words that Jesus shared with his disciples before He left them to carry on His ministry: “… you will receive power when the Holy spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8  Michele reminded me that, “Jesus promised his disciples that they would be clothed with exactly what they needed to do the job. The Spirit of God.” 

I too am clothed by God’s Spirit as a disciple of Christ. You are clothed by His Spirit-if you also trust in Him. He qualifies us. He is with us as we read His Word. To paraphrase: Study is important. Education is important, but God’s word isn’t just for the scholarly and seminary educated. Michele’s reminder, “With the Spirit of God… even those of us who call ourselves ordinary will discover extraordinary revelation at the feet of Christ Himself.” Thankful for her reminder of Truth. It encouraged me to know I’m not the only one who struggles to get words on a page.

God knows my thoughts, my desires: to have His words in my heart and mind, that whatever tumbles out is from the Holy Spirit, who clothes me, and you, for every good work.

What do you need to see yourself “clothed” and equipped to do?

Ironically, I had penned words in the margin of this book-“Lord, make me an eager student of your Word. Draw me to the well that never runs dry. Cause me to crave your Word like a parched woman craves water.”

This is my prayer today, these are my words, for you and for me.