The late 20s are contemplative years. College, if you attended, is often behind, adulting on the daily is well underway and that next decade, the 30s is looming on the horizon. I was asked what are some things I wish I knew or understood better in my late 20s. Here are my thoughts.
Don’t take things personally. Laugh more, stress less. You can’t control all that you think you can. Don’t wait to go on adventures. Do what you can afford – get outside, hike, walk, climb, camp, swim, star-gaze – live! Be wiser with your money. You can save no matter what you earn. Don’t hold grudges. Don’t carry other people’s guilt trips. Understand manipulation vs persuasion. Pay attention to what’s yours to concern yourself with and what’s not.
Yes, and No are both acceptable answers.
Relationships have seasons and in seasons some things flourish and other things naturally taper off, becoming less active. Some die back completely. I remember spending lots of emotional energy on relationships that had already died back, but for whatever reason I didn’t think letting go was okay, good or even right. Ugh. I hadn’t yet learned to manage my expectations of myself and others.
New relationships are a natural progression of life but I have some significant “evergreens’, those long-standing friendships in my life and I’m thankful for them. I have friendships that could be described as weekly, monthly, quarterly & annually. Not a definition of the depth of connection, just the reality of life, proximity and time together. Not all relationships have the same requirements for tending. I love having friendships that pick up where we left off, no matter the time gap between . What a gift those connections are.
The truth about relationships: it’s not physically possible to maintain every relationship we begin.
The takeaway is not flippancy, but honest evaluation. Relationships can be beautiful forests with old growth and new growth. All of it is full of adventure and encouragement.