I want you to know that it’s okay to set one of the spinning plates down. I want you to know that the world doesn’t end if a spinning plate crashes to the ground. Matthew 11:28
I want you to know that as hard as you try to juggle everything- sometimes the exhaustion that comes from that effort brings you to your knees and it will force you to stop. That too is okay. Matthew 11:29
I want you to know that you have value whether or not you accomplish your stated goals. Genesis 1:28-31
I want you to know that having the last word isn’t the most important skill set. James 1:19
I want you to know that as much as you want encouragement, look for someone else who needs to be encouraged. I Thessalonians 5:11
I want you to know that even in the trenches of relationships – whether it’s marriage, mothering or mentoring – you are not alone. The God who created you for such a task is right there with you. He is carrying you through the trench. Isaiah 41:10
I want you to know that even the strongest faith falters and asking questions of God is okay. He’s a big God He can handle it. Psalm 3
I want you to know that you are deeply loved and have purpose because God created you. Your purpose isn’t in what you do but whose you are. Romans 8:12 – 17
I want you to know the hardest expectations to live up to are the ones you set for yourself. Romans 12:3
I want you to know that relationships are hard but worth it. Spouse, Parent/ child, friends, family — all relationships. John 13:34
I want you to know you don’t have to be strong for everyone around you all the time. Others need to know how you handle stress even if that means showing tears, anger, frustration and then supplication to God. 2 Corinthians 12:10
I want you to know children learn about conflict resolution the best by seeing their parents disagree and then make up. If everything happens behind closed doors and the children only hear the angry muffled sounds but not the resolution of the argument, they grow up with no ability to resolve conflict themselves. You must be a living example of what you want them to learn. You learn as much from seeing, as you do from hearing. I Timothy 4:12
I want you to know that Scripture gives a great foundation for life application in all relationships. When scripture tells us how to behave – It is for our good. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 3:3, I Corinthians 16:14
I want you to know you are not your past choices, shortcomings or failures. I John 1:9, Psalm 103:12
I want you to know that not only is Satan the master of lies, he’s the master of disguise, and the sultan of shame. He wants you to feel unworthy and to live under a veil of shame. I Peter 5:8, John 8:44
I want you to know it’s okay to ask for help. Jeremiah 33:3
I want you to know that walking in Christ’s forgiveness is a “once for all” – past, present and future transaction. Romans 6:10, Hebrews 9:12, I Peter 3:18
I loved reading this post! There are so many things restated to questions that you’ve answered for me in the past along with so many new things that have continued to encourage me! Thank you so much for using your God given talent for writing to help others know Jesus!❤️